Joanne Frawley

Donal Casey facilitated a workshop in comic book illustration & design with small group of our students. I met with Donal beforehand to make him aware of our requirements and the specific needs of our students. I was very impressed by how much Donal took on board from this meeting and he even researched topics for stories that were in line with our FETAC specific learning outcomes and students’ interests (not an easy task). On the day Donal was a pleasure to watch teaching the students. He is obviously a master of his craft of illustration but can also draw the students’ creativity out gradually without being too demanding which is a very difficult balance to strike. The students’ comic book strips in the end were of a very high standard but more importantly the students really seemed to enjoy the workshop. Donal also followed up very quickly afterwards by  sending on digital images of the students’ drawings as well as returning their originals. I would very much like to work with Donal again in the future and would recommend his workshops to any school or youth organisation.

Joanne FrawleyEducation OfficeriScoil

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